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Gaining In-Depth Understanding Through Mixed Methods Case Study: An Empirical Research From Temple Tourism in Bali

By: Published: 2019 | Product: SAGE Research Methods Cases Part 2
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This case discusses the significance of case study in a mixed methods research applied in a temple tourism study in Bali, Indonesia, while completing my doctoral degree at the University of Lincoln, United Kingdom. It includes the conceptual rationale of using case study in qualitative and quantitative research, research design, detailed data collection and analysis as well as writing process which corresponds to the case study principles. Applying the appropriated sequences of case study allows the researcher to gain an in-depth understanding on the case being investigated and to give a meaning of the real world studied. In addition, case study also consents scholars to decide the number of cases to be researched: one particular case or even multiple cases to be compared and contrasted through triangulations. It also allows academics to use the mixed methods approach—qualitative and quantitative methods—in the study which will make the study more challenging with outstanding finding as so-called a high-level study.

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